On 24th September 2024, Buckinghamshire Mind celebrated our 110th anniversary with over 100 guests. Following on from yesterday’s article, which you can read here, we are further highlighting the impact of the event.
Keynote speakers Dr Sarah Hughes, Chief Executive of national Mind, (pictured top right) and Grant Macdonald, Chief Executive of Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, (pictured bottom right) gave hard hitting and honest presentations, which highlighted the scale of the mental health crisis and the necessity of working in partnership.

Lesley Michaelis, our Chair of Trustees, (pictured top, left) and Andrea McCubbin, our Chief Executive, (pictured bottom, left) spoke about how the spirit of the organisation – passion, dedication, transformational outcomes and person-centred support – has been consistent since the very beginning, 110 years ago.
They also shared the vision for future, including targeting Buckinghamshire Mind’s work where it will have the greatest impact, focusing on health inequalities and expanding preventative, community-based services.
During the event, guests watched a film entitled ‘Together we transform lives’ demonstrating the incredible impact that our services have on the lives of the people we support.
You can watch this inspiring film below.

Together We Transform Lives film
Following the screening of the film, guests were invited to reflect on how the film made them feel, using just one word.
The incredible responses were captured in the word cloud image shown here on the right.
Guests also took part in an interactive session where they were asked to name one thing that they would do after the event to ensure that no mind is left behind in Buckinghamshire and East Berkshire.
There were some incredible responses, here are just a few:
“Speak my truth – Listen to people on the ground, don’t assume what’s best for them – Be more thoughtful; pause, reflect and truly listen – Discover and empower different services. Make myself aware of them so I can signpost and see the impact of services on individual lives – Encourage more effective partnership working and promote VCSE groups – Promote the great work that Mind is doing and encourage others to engage, either through volunteering or engaging with services – Continue to work collaboratively with our experts by experience – Don’t just accept, ‘I’m OK’, as a response.”
The event was a huge success, with many guests saying that they came away feeling inspired and with a renewed sense of hope.

Thank you very much to our event sponsors, Monodraught.