Home / News / Raising Awareness in Bracknell
Article published on: Friday, 13 October 2023

On World Mental Health Day, Tuesday 10th October, our Friends in Need (FiN) peer support group in Bracknell held a public drop-in event in Bracknell Town Centre.


Our team and wonderful volunteers hosted drop-in sessions at the Craft Coop, providing tea, coffee, biscuits and mindful colouring, to raise awareness about mental health, Buckinghamshire Mind and the support offered by Friends in Need.

A woman smiling while doing mindful colouring at a table. On the table there's lots of Buckinghamshire Mind leaflets, mindful colouring sheets, a pot of coloured pencils and a cup of coffee.

We also had the Lexicon Community Cart (pictured) for the day, outside Waterstones where FiN volunteers handed-out leaflets and encouraged people to visit the Craft Coop.

The event was a great success, with lots of people popping in for a chat.

Our huge thanks to our incredible volunteers for donating their valuable time to help raise awareness on this important day.

Find out more about Friends in Need
A man smiling and wearing a bright pink wig standing behind at purple cart in Bracknell Town Centre. The cart is purple and has lots of colourful paper decorations. On the cart are a variety of leaflets about Buckinghamshire Mind's services.
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