Since mid-December 2016, Buckinghamshire Mind and Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust have embarked on an exciting new partnership, allowing us to bring the best of our worlds together.
Buckinghamshire Mind workers are able to utilise a person-centred approach to services users’ recovery that also signposts to on-going support in the community. This, in turn, complements the Trust’s wide-ranging suite of clinical and non-clinical services.
We have created three new roles, who specialise in supporting service users. Two Information and Option Workers started working in January 2017 in The Whiteleaf Centre, Aylesbury, and The Valley Centre, High Wycombe, respectively. Initially, they researched and complied information about local mental health services for inclusion in the recently launched and very well received Bucks Mind Guide,
Currently, their role is focused on one-to-one support for service users – either coming from the Treatment Function or the Assessment Function – and assisting service users in finding appropriate services within their local community.
The third new role of Recovery Worker was filled in March 2017 and is based at The Whiteleaf Centre. Our Recovery Worker supports three areas within Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust; The Day Hospital, Buckinghamshire Recovery College and the Service User Forum.
Responding to service user feedback, we have developed new groups including ‘Back to Work’, ‘Managing your Mental Health’ and yoga. These run for six weeks for services users coming from the Assessment Function and GP referrals. These groups focus on supporting recovery in a broad and diverse way, considering the aims of the Five Ways to Wellbeing.
What our service users say:
“The Strengths and Weaknesses exercise really helped me to realise my own worth and helped me focus on what job I want. I learnt about SMART goal setting and being realistic.”
“The ideas given help you cope and give you a different way of approaching problems. I will be putting into practice what I have learned.”
“I now have the confidence to change my job, write a C.V./covering letter, be more confident and more positive.”
“I have now got the confidence to attend the community yoga class.”
To find out more, please click here