Our Older Adults’ Service is driven by the ethos that where the quality of life is effected by dementia and memory loss, it is important that older adults continue to experience good emotional wellbeing. We continue to develop new activities to encourage social interaction, independence and maintenance of skills. All activities are carefully planned, reviewed and tailored to the skills, abilities and interests of our service users.
In 2016/17, we created an imaginary tour of the UK, stopping at destinations which brought back memories of childhood, family holidays, work and culinary delights of the area.
In addition, Adult Learning ran armchair yoga sessions at both our Pippin and Park Clubs. These were so popular that we plan to run further sessions in 2018.
Relatives and carers were invited to join us in December for our festive fundraising event, which was a wonderful opportunity for them to meet and share their experiences.
We have welcomed two new Wellbeing Workers and a volunteer to the team this year. Their enthusiasm, creative skills and sense of fun have been a welcome addition to the service.
The end of year carers impact survey showed an overall 93.9% top satisfaction rating.
What our carers say:
“As a receiver of this service, my husband really likes attending and feels the staff are very experienced and caring. If I ever ask if there is anything he doesn’t like about it he says, ‘Nothing at all’. As his wife, I know he doesn’t like to miss any sessions, even if he is unwell. If any changes need to be made, I honestly don’t know what.”
“I am extremely happy with all aspects of the club; the staff are so caring and helpful.”
Statistics for April 2016 to March 2017:
Lives touched: 55
Sessions attended: 1,555
To find out more, please visit: www.bucksmind.org.uk/services/older-peoples-services-chiltern-south-bucks