Home / Bucks Mind Guide Directory / Youth Enquiry Service (YES)

Youth Enquiry Service (YES) is a charity based in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, that offers free and confidential support and counselling to 13-25 year olds. YES is staffed four days a week and four evenings a week. We support thousands of young people every year.

Our mission is to provide support which is consistently delivered as non-judgemental, supportive, inclusive and empowering.

We work with young people experiencing a wide variety of social welfare issues; these include housing, debt, sexual health, education and employment. These can lead to a range of adverse consequences for young people, most commonly, stress; anxiety, depression, ill health, relationship breakdowns, lost income and lost confidence.

YES also runs a busy sexual health service. We offer a chance to talk about relationships, peer pressure and healthy, positive relationships. We can provide free condoms through the C-card scheme, pregnancy and chlamydia testing.

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Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01494 437373
Address: 52 Frogmoor
Address 2: High Wycombe
Address 3: Bucks
Address 4: HP13 5DG
Associated Categories: Advice and Information Children and Young People Education, Training, Workshops Employment Employment Support and Volunteering Housing Needs Professional Bodies and Counselling
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