
This is a directory of services, apps and other help available to anyone who is worried about their own mental health and well-being or that of a friend or relative. The Buckinghamshire Mind Guide is intended for members of the public and a wide range for professionals, from NHS and health services to the police, local authorities and care providers. It provides a database that can be easily searched and navigated so that people with a mental health problem can access the support they need.

The directory contains brief information about approximately 400 sources of help. You can use it by putting into the search engine the name of a condition or service. Alternatively, you can look at the alphabetical list of services, or you can tap on one of the icons below for services.

If you know about any relevant services we haven’t listed, or you think something needs correcting, please tell us by email: This will help with our aim to make this directory fully comprehensive and to keep it up to date.

This directory is an adult only directory, for more information on children’s services please visit

Buckinghamshire Mind is not responsible for the contents of any of the sites listed.

The inclusion of organisations is for signposting purposes and does not imply any endorsement of them.

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