Active Bucks
You might have lots of reasons for getting active – maybe you want to get back in shape, relieve stress, socialise or have some time for yourself.
You might have lots of reasons for getting active – maybe you want to get back in shape, relieve stress, socialise or have some time for yourself.
We offer interesting and exciting opportunities for adults to fulfil their ambitions, further their interests and achieve their potential through learning and training.
Advice on housing, homelessness, affordable housing and debt advice, landlord disputes and housing after prison.
Live Well Stay Well is a free service that has helped thousands of people to lose weight, quit smoking, get more active, feel happier or manage their diabetes.
Buckinghamshire Family Information Service (BFIS) provides confidential, impartial and up to date advice and information on a wide range of issues to support Buckinghamshire parents of children aged 0-19.
Care Advice Buckinghamshire is a website for adults in need of care and support in Buckinghamshire, their families and carers.
This service assists with complaints or compliments about Social and Community Services at Buckinghamshire County Council.
If you have a health condition or a disability that affects your ability to work, you can get assistance and advice on returning to the workplace by speaking to a Work Coach at your local Jobcentre Plus.
Heads Up is a joint campaign between the NHS and Bucks County Council to help men get happy and stay happy.
Marlborough House is a male only medium secure 28 bedded unit situated on the Milton Keynes General Hospital site in Milton Keynes. Watling Ward is an acute admissions ward that has 20 beds, with an Intensive Care Unit including a de-escalation lounge.
The Buckinghamshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) co-locates key partners to improve the initial response to safeguarding concerns in relation to children and vulnerable adults.
Housing Options Team – Our housing options team can provide help and advice if you think you may be at risk of losing your home.