Harmless is a user led organisation that provides a range of services about self-harm.
Harmless is a user led organisation that provides a range of services about self-harm.
Healthwatch Bucks is an independent organisation that gives you a voice.
If you hear voices HVN can help – we are committed to helping people who hear voices.
Suicide prevention charity with a specific focus on young men.
Here you can find your local job centre offices in and around High Wycombe.
Karma Nirvana offers three main services to help educate people on forced marriage and honour-based violence.
Aims to inform Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people about services in and around Buckinghamshire in relation to social care, adoption, marriage, safety, sexual health etc.
Useful information and advice for the LGBT community . Advice and Support.
Provides information and support through a confidential helpline.
Maternal OCD aims to raise awareness, provide support and promote research.
Maytree is a registered charity supporting people in suicidal crisis in a non-medical setting.
Mencap is a UK charity for people with a learning disability. We support their families and carers, too.