National Debtline
Offer free, confidential and independent advice on dealing with debt problems.
Offer free, confidential and independent advice on dealing with debt problems.
NHS Bucks Talking Therapies (formerly Healthy Minds) may be able to offer you the help you need to improve your wellbeing (whether you are feeling anxious, depressed or stressed).
Relate North Thames and Chilterns can support you, your partner and your family with anything that has an effect on your relationship.
Respect is the UK membership organisation for work with domestic violence perpetrators, male victims and young people.
Support for those who are distressed, despairing or suicidal.
Self-injury Support is a national organisation that supports girls and women affected by self-injury or self-harm.
Sexual Assault and Abuse Support Service Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes (SAASS) provides support, information, advice and guidance to anyone affected by sexual assault and abuse, including non-recent and childhood sexual abuse.
Specialist help in housing related matters for anyone who is homeless or has a housing related problem.
Counselling service that offers a professional and confidential one to one counselling service to adults.
A safe space to unwind, counselling at £5 per session, listening service, free drop-ins and social interactions.
Step Together Volunteering helps those people most in need of support to transform their lives through community volunteering.
Support people through advocacy services.