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Ategi Services – Shared Lives

What is Shared Lives?

Shared Lives is for someone who needs support and wants to live in a family home environment, it’s a bit like foster care – but for adults. Ategi will carefully match you with one of our Shared Lives carers, who share their home and family, supporting you to develop your skills, work towards your goals and to be more independent. You could spend the day, stay for a short break, or move in – it’s completely flexible to your needs.

Who is Shared Lives for?

If you’re over 18 and want to live in a family home, but need some help to live independently, then Shared Lives could be for you. You need to have a reason for needing support – but these reasons can be very varied.

Shared Lives is a fantastic alternative to other forms of care, like residential care homes or supported living – particularly for people who don’t want to live alone. For people who want support during the day, it’s more flexible than a day-centre: you can use the carer’s home as a base but also go out doing the things you want to do. It helps people to live as part of an ordinary family, part of the community, and to build up strong, more natural relationships.

Who can Ategi support?

We provide person-centred support to people who need support to live their best life. The people we support are unique, but common reasons people need support are due to:

A physical disability
Learning disability
Mental ill health
Needing support after leaving hospital
Or moving on from children’s services

Our support is tailored to each person we support, supporting them to develop their confidence, skills and increase their independence.

How would I spend my time?

If you’re someone that prefers smaller groups to socialise, or even would benefit from one-to-one interaction, then Shared Lives is an ideal choice.

How you spend your time with your Shared Lives carer is as unique as you are.

You could:
Try new activities both at home and out and about
Learn new skills and help you gain confidence
Improve your skills around the house
Attending health appointments, college, clubs or activities
Support you volunteering or working
Help you move into your home
Support you through experiencing other changes such as leaving college or coming out of hospital.

Find out more about our Shared Lives service on this website:

If you’d like more information then you can contact Ategi on [email protected]

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Email: [email protected]
Location: Amersham
Telephone: 01494 932920
Address: Unit M1, Mosquito Studios, Dehavilland Court, Penn Street, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, HP7 0PX
Sex: All
Age: 16+
Associated Categories: Accommodation Housing Needs
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