Home / Bucks Mind Guide Directory / Animal Antiks – Animal Assisted Learning

Animal Antiks offers a variety of different placements depending on the needs of the individual.

These placements may be appropriate for people with mental or physical health issues, anxiety, various learning difficulties, ASD, those suffering from social isolation or exclusion or young people struggling in conventional educational sessions.

Countrymen Outreach Project: Bringing our farm to you
The team at Animal Antiks are taking some positive steps to support men and their family carers while lockdown is forcing their isolation at home and affecting their physical and mental wellbeing.

Thanks to some funding from the national charity, Countrymen UK, we are launching an outreach project to connect with these men and their family carers. The men and carers can choose how much or how little support they require. So, if you or someone you know would like to receive;
FREE countryside-based activities to do at home (these could be around woodwork, gardening or craft)
FREE farm fresh eggs, when available
FREE books from our library
FREE friendly telephone support
FREE informative newsletters

Please do get in touch via email [email protected] or on 01296 670996.

Countrymen Club : Let’s get together down on the farm this Autumn
We are very pleased to announce that from September 2020 we shall be starting our very own Countrymen Club here at the farm. We shall meet every Wednesday afternoon at Manor Farm, North Marston.

Come rain or shine we will come together to enjoy the countryside, care for our animals, get active on the farm and in the garden. There will be plenty of time to chat over a cuppa and share our interests with each other. If you or someone you know could benefit from connecting with others who love the outdoors and would be interested in joining this group please get in touch. We will be happy to discuss it more and arrange a taster session.

Please do get in touch via email [email protected] or on 01296 670996

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Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01296 670996
Telephone 2: 07543 276818
Address: Manor Farm
Address 2: St Johns Lane
Address 3: North Marston
Address 4: Buckingham, MK18 3PU
Associated Categories: Education, Training, Workshops Outreach Social Isolation and Inclusion Support Services Therapy with Animals
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