There are a number of ways you can publicise your activity:
Local media
Contact the News Desk or Community News Reporter for your local newspaper to tell them about your event beforehand. Make sure you get the name and email address of the person you speak to and then email a press release to that person. Make sure you provide details of how people can donate to your activity/event so that these can be publicised. You can also send the press release to any online media that cover local events, such as community or village websites.
For a template Press Release that you can adapt and send to your local media, please click here.
Make sure you or a friend/family member takes good quality photos of your activity/event, which can be used on social media and sent to the local media after the activity/event.
Email a press release to your local media after your activity/event is completed to tell them how much you raised. You can email a photo with the press release or simply say in your email that photos are available on request.
For advice on getting coverage in your local media, please email [email protected]

Social media
Post details of your event on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. Don’t forget to tag @bucksmind to any Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts so that we can like, comment and share. Include a link to your online fundraising page, to encourage people to support you.
You can publish regular posts in the run-up to your activity/event to let people know about the progress of your fundraising and also publish posts after the activity/event, preferably with photos, to tell people how it went.
If you have the expertise to set-up a website about your activity/event then this is a great way to raise awareness. Make sure you include a link from your website to your online fundraising page. You can also share the address of your website as a link on social media to encourage people to visit it. You can publicise photos of your activity/event and how much you raised on your website after you’ve completed the activity/event.