Home / Fees

How much we charge for our services is dependent on what they cost to run and whether we receive any funding, for example from the NHS or Local Authority.

Counselling for Adults

Buckinghamshire Mind’s is committed to providing accessible and affordable counselling.   The service is solely funded through income received  for sessions and we are pleased to be able to continue to offer the following concessionary rate.

Initial Assessment: £30

Counselling Session: £30

Wellbeing Services

Attendance is usually by referral from a mental health team professional (although you can self-refer ) and funding must be agreed for £21.62 per day or £45.59  per week (for 2 or more days a week).

Alternatively people can self-fund or use their Personal Independence Payments.

Option 1: £21.62 per day 

Option 2: £45.59 per week (2 or more days per week)

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