Home / News / Money Management Peer Support Course
Article published on: Thursday, 11 June 2015


money management


It is a four week course held at Granville Street Church Aylesbury, opposite Bucksmind, from 12-3pm on Thursdays. (Post code HP20 2JR for sat navs).

You can drop in any time and any Thursday.

We aim to start session 1 by about 12.30 so people can start to arrive from 12.00, get themselves a cuppa, sign the register and make yourself comfortable. We will be supporting you through the four weeks and will be leading sessions 1 and 4. Session 1. is informal and relaxed and will be mainly looking at peer support and how we can manage our stress and anxiety better, with less talk on money. Session 4 will be looking at resources for further help/support and gadgets/apps that can help you manage your money better and save on your energy bills.

Patricia and Joy from Debt talk will be leading session 2 and 3. They will be looking at budgeting, how to plan a budget and be talking on the main big bills we need to pay in life, such as gas, electric, water, council tax, food, and TV licence.

All four sessions will include games, fun and interaction! The course will help you to build up your own tool kit to help you manage anxiety and stress better,  and build a more healthy relationship with money.

If you have any further questions you can contact us on the email below:

[email protected]

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