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New Service Launching in Spring 2025

For Decorative Purposes Only

This service is a partnership between Buckinghamshire Mind and Citizens Advice Bucks to provide wrap-around support and advice for people experiencing both mental ill-health struggles and financial challenges.


Who is it suitable for?

If you live in Bucks and are experiencing both mental ill-health and financial challenges, this service can support you.

What can I expect?

You will be assigned a Supported Self-Help (SSH) practitioner who will work with you to understand the challenges you are facing and  to co-design a six-week tailored programme of support. This will be a one-to-one guided self-help programme supported by materials to help you understand and manage your feelings.


There is no charge as the service is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund. Capacity is limited, so there may be a wait to receive support.

How can I access this service?

Further details will be available on this page, once the service has launched.

If you feel you require any support to access this service, for example hearing loop, translator or mobility aids, please call 01494 463364 or email [email protected] and we will get back to you to discuss your individual needs.

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