The Power of Small: A small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference.
Buckinghamshire Mind and Time to Change Bucks need your help to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing to break down stigmas associated with this. They are calling out to Buckinghamshire and East Berkshire communities to talk about mental health and wellbeing on Time to Talk Day, Thursday 4th February.
Join the Bucks Mind and Time to Change Bucks event, Bucks Big Chat. This is a virtual event open to all individuals, businesses, community groups, schools and more. For more information and to participate (please sign up by Wednesday 3rd February), please click here.
Opening up conversations about mental health is more important than ever. That is why this Time to Talk Day, Buckinghamshire Mind is asking all in our community to have at least one small conversation about mental health and wellbeing with a friend, family member or colleague.
Isobel Shea, Time to Change Hub Coordinator at Bucks Mind says:
“To participate in Bucks Big Chat, all you need to do is call someone you care about and just have a small conversation about mental health on Time to Talk Day. Sometimes the thought of starting a conversation about mental health can be a little daunting, but it does not have to be.
For example, you could call a friend to ask how they are and really listen to them. Let them know that you care by asking how their wellbeing is while in another lockdown and ask how they are coping.”
Gareth Williams, Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Health, Buckinghamshire Council said:
“The past year has seen us all face many challenges that for some will understandably impact on their mental health so having the support of those around them can make all the difference.
The more conversations we have, the more myths we can bust and barriers we can break down, helping to end the isolation, shame and worthlessness that too many of us with mental health problems are made to feel.
Time to Talk Day is the day to get the nation talking about mental health. Join in by signing up to the virtual event and reaching out a family member, friend or colleague.”
Together we can end mental health stigmas.
Please click here to find out more.