Buckinghamshire Mind has been awarded the Mind Quality Mark 2021-24
We are delighted to announce that Buckinghamshire Mind has been awarded the Mind Quality Mark (MQM), with the effectiveness of our services across Bucks and East Berkshire being specifically recognised as one of our areas of excellence.
The MQM is a rigorous quality assurance standard. It sets the bar of good practice and legal compliance for all organisations in the Mind Federation.
Once every three years, local Minds are reviewed against the MQM standards. The reviews are led by people with lived experience of mental health problems and senior leaders from other local Minds. They are based on a robust assessment of documentary evidence as well as interviews with and survey responses from trustees, staff, volunteers and people who use services.

To achieve the MQM, local Minds must be well-run organisations delivering safe, life-changing support for people with mental health problems. The award of the MQM to Buckinghamshire Mind clearly demonstrates that we are standing up for mental health and that our services change lives.
The review team were ‘extremely impressed’ by Buckinghamshire Mind, stating that we had many strengths to celebrate. The key areas of excellence identified by the review were; effective services, supporting people and leadership.
We are particularly proud that the effectiveness of our services was recognised by the MQM. The review stated:
“The organisation has developed a very comprehensive offer of services for people seeking support…As a result, people across Buckinghamshire and East Berkshire benefit from having considerable control and choice to access the support that is more relevant and appropriate to them.”
Thank you to all of our service users and volunteers who contributed feedback for the review – we really value you taking the time to demonstrate how Buckinghamshire Mind has supported you.
Here are some of things our service users said when providing feedback:
“The support that I have received was truly invaluable at a time when everything falls apart in your life – this was the only stable and positive thing.”
“They go above and beyond.”
“Everything they do is positive to my wellbeing.”
Here are some of the things our volunteers when providing feedback:
“I love the opportunities to learn and develop skills.”
“By being a volunteer, I feel that I am giving something back by helping others.”
“I love having opportunities to offer my skills, experience and knowledge to help others.”
Andrea McCubbin, Chief Executive of Buckinghamshire said:
“It is absolutely wonderful to hear such positive feedback from our service users and volunteers. The award of the MQM is a significant achievement and is the result of the dedication and passion of our staff and volunteers across the organisation, who deliver our services in Bucks and East Berkshire.”
We will ensure that the MQM framework continues to be embedded and built on throughout all areas of the organisation. We will continue to listen, learn and adapt so that we are continuing to improve and to meet the needs of our communities.
“Everything they do is positive to my wellbeing.”